Animal Volatilomics
Non-invasive real-time animal VOCs analysis with SUPER SESI-HRMS.
Sampling is minimally invasive or non-invasive. Multiple sampling is possible
Pharmacokinetics Profiling in vivo and in real time
Real-time monitoring of processes.
Deeper understanding of animal's physiological responses and temporal variations.
Personalized medicine approaches via allowing for timely adjustments
Breath concentrations correlates with blood levels
Animal VOCs monitoring with SUPER SESI-HRMS technology, 5 reasons:
1- Real-time and continuous monitoring with 2 seconds resolution time
SESI-HRMS allows for the immediate availability of pharmacokinetic data based on mass spectrometric monitoring of exhalation. This real-time data provides superior time resolution of 2 seconds, this is because it's the time it takes for the gas to sweep through the entire system, this enables researchers to monitor drug levels in a single individual without delay.
“ The most significant advantage of the presented breath analysis method is that pharmacokinetic data based on mass spectrometric monitoring of exhalation is available instantaneously in real time”
Drug Pharmacokinetics Determined by Real-Time Analysis of Mouse Breath; Angewante 2015, R. Zenobi et al.
2- Sensitivity below 1 pptv
SUPER SESI-HRMS offers a limit of detecction below 1 pptv. By capturing a wide range of VOCs, SUPER SESI-HRMS allows for the identification and quantification of various compounds in breath or bodily fluids. This comprehensive analysis facilitates a deeper understanding of metabolism, disease detection, and drug interventions.
“The great sensitivity achieved by SESI-HRMS in the analysis of vapors, which can reach the low pptv range, allows the determination of not only volatile and semivolatile plasma components, but also low volatility compounds if present at sufficiently high concentrations. The limit of detection for this method, calculated as 3 times the signal to noise ratio, was found to be 0.6 pptv.”
Real-Time Quantification of AminoAcids in the Exhalome by Secondary Electrospray Ionization-MassSpectrometry: A Proof-of-Principle Study; Clinical Chemistry, Renato Zenobi et al.
3- High-resolution
SUPER SESI is coupled with the best mass spectrometers in the market, with high resolution mass spectrometry capability, SUPER SESI-HRMS provides accurate molecular identifications of VOCs . This enables to identify and quantify a wide range of metabolites present in animal´s breath or bodily fluids, facilitating comprehensive studies on metabolism, disease detection, and drug intervention. This enables the detection of subtle changes in breath metabolites that may indicate specific health conditions.
4- Non-invasive monitoring
SUPER SESI-HRMS improves animal welfare since multiple compounds can easily be measured repeatedly in a single animal in-vivo. Also it results in more precise data with considerable time and cost savings
”SESI-HRMS analysis of mouse breath is a promising strategy for minimally invasive, real-time pharmacokinetic monitoring using Ket, propofol, valproic acid, and their metabolites as examples.“
Non-invasive monitoring of microbiota and host metabolism using Secondary electrospray ionization-Mass spectrometry; Cell reports methods, Emma Slack et al.
5- Application versatility, Customizable and easy implementation
The equipment required for SUPER SESI-HRMS is readily available and can be easily interfaced with commercial high-resolution mass spectrometers. The workflow is relatively easy to implement and allows for customization based on specific research requirements.
The data generated from SUPER SESI-HRMS is compatible with standard software for direct-injection mass spectrometry-based metabolomics, making it easy to analyze and interpret the results.
SUPER SESI-HRMS has diverse applications in animal research, including studying disease progression, evaluating treatment efficacy, and monitoring environmental exposures. It can also aid in the development of new diagnostic tools and therapies.
Dr. Prof. Renato Zenobi - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
“When SESI is combined with state-of-the-art mass spectrometers, low limits of detection (pptv) are achievable without any sample pre-concentration. We exploit this feature in our lab in a number of projects which require fast mass spectrometric analysis of vapors at trace concentrations.”
Dr. Prof. Patrik Španěl - J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the CAS, Prague, Czech Republic
“The SSX ion source is surely a masterpiece of state of the art engineering. Full understanding of the ion chemistry occurring between the ESI generated ions and VOC molecules inside will be an interesting challenge to tackle.”
Dr. Prof. Pablo Sinues - University Children’s Hospital Basel, University of Basel, Switzerland
“…SESI-HRMS breath testing may serve as a companion diagnostic approach to potentially minimize drug side effects and help to choose the seizure-specific treatment. Key advantages that make SESI-HRMS ideal for the hospital in – and outpatient setting include noninvasiveness and real-time results. […]This, along with the ability to predict serum concentration of drugs, allows us to propose a clinical decision-making workflow based on real-time breath analysis.”
Dr. Prof. Xue Li - Jinan University, Guangzhou, China.
“SESI-HRMS provides a robust way for online real-time monitoring of non-volatile drugs in exhaled breath.”
Prof. Dr. med. Malcolm Kohler - University Hospital Zurich (USZ), Switzerland.
“Real-time breath analysis by secondary electrospray-high resolutionmass spectrometry allows molecular profiling of exhaled breath, providing insights about on-going biochemical processes in COPD patients at risk for exacerbations.”