Carrying gas or SESI-HRMS analysis

  • Low background (VOC active charcoal filter)

  • Reproducible ionization efficiency (Active humidity control)

SIROCCO receives a stream of Nitrogen or Zero air or a mixture of gases, controls the pressure and flow rate, filters VOCs, and regulates the humidity level of the gas to minimize signal variability and background levels.

  • Pressure, temperature, and flow rate control

  • Low VOC background with activated charcoal filtration

  • Reproducible ionization efficiency with humidity control

  • Non condensing with heated transfer line

Why Sirocco:

Variations in temperature pressure and humidity of the carrying gas can affect the consistency of analytical results. To solve this, SIROCCO integrates temperature, pressure and flow control, an active charcoal filter to trap VOCs, and an active humidity controller to ensure consistent ionization efficiency.


  • Microbiology,

  • Cell culture analysis,

  • Animal models,

  • Plant analysis

  • Food-omics,

  • Headspace analysis, and

  • Thermal desorption applications