Breath Holder 

Offline breath analysis system

Breath holder is a complete solution for offline analysis of VOC samples, including collection, preservation, transport, and SESI-MS analysis.

Designed to facilitate Super SESI analysis with:

  • A distributed sampling network,

  • Minimum sample interaction, and

  • Controlled preservation conditions preventing condensation and diffusion losses.

The Breath Holder System comprises:

  • VOC Storage system

  • Interface to Super SESI, for a seamless sample introduction and analysis

  • Breath sampling interface, compatible with EXHALION (for breath analysis). Guides the exhalation maneuver and collects a pre-defined breath fraction based on exhaled CO2, flow, and volume thresholds.

Breath Holder Benefits

Offline Breath Analysis with minimized confounders:

- Standardized exhalation maneuver and sample collection of desired lung fraction, compatible with online analysis.

- Controlled sample storage from collection to analysis: Nalophan – Stainless Steel chemical barrier with active temperature control and logging.

- Offline analysis is ideal for distributed sampling and high throughput studies where statistical significance is key

- Sampling canisters are ideal to minimize sample–sampler interactions and artifacts

► Breath Holder facilitates distributed sampling.

► Breath Holder minimizes confounding factors.

► Breath Holder is ideal for large-scale studies with several sampling sites and a central SESI-HRMS lab.


FIT’s quality commitment and customer service 

Four (2) steps to ensure your success:

  1. Full technical support for two years. If you have any issue, just let us know and we will assist you. 

  2. Warranty, during the warranty period (2 years in the EU) reparation service and spare parts will be provided. A exception for comsumables.