Volatilomic Products

SUPER SESI-X (SSX) vapor ionization

SSX is optimized for the Thermo Exploris, Tribrid and TSQ MS series. Biologically relevant vapor and nano-aerosol ionization in real-time.

SUPER SESI QE vapor ionization

SUPER SESI is optimized for Thermo QExactive instruments, with a universal sample inlet to fit smoothly in your experimental set-up.

SIROCCO Carrying gas

Provides carrying gas optimized for SESI analysis, with low background levels and active humidity control for a consistent ionization efficiency

headspace analysis for GL45 ISO flasks, optimized for quick SESI-HRMS analyis

VOC Storage system for offline analysis

Collect, store and preserve humid VOC samples with well-controlled sampling, preservation, and analysis conditions.

EXHALION breath analysis maneuver

Compatible with standard spirometry antibacterial filters, provides CO2 and flow measurements, and guides the exhalation maneuver.

Breath Holder offline breath analysis

A complete solution for offline breath analysis. minimizes confounders and improves integrity: sampling, preservation, and analysis.


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