
super-SESI Guest User super-SESI Guest User

Real-Time Volatile Metabolomics Analysis of Dendritic Cells

Dendritic cells (DCs) actively sample and present antigen to cells of the adaptive immune system and are thus vital for successful immune control and memory formation. Immune cell metabolism and function are tightly interlinked, and a better understanding of this interaction offers potential to develop immunomodulatory strategies. However, current approaches for assessing the immune cell metabolome are often limited by endpoint measurements, may involve laborious sample preparation, and may lack unbiased, temporal resolution of the metabolome. In this study, we present a novel setup coupled to a secondary electrospray ionization-high resolution mass spectrometric (SESIHRMS) platform allowing headspace analysis of immature and activated DCs in real-time with minimal sample preparation and intervention, with high technical reproducibility and potential for automation.

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super-SESI Guest User super-SESI Guest User

Online breath analysis with SUPER SESI - HRMS for metabolic signatures in children with allergic asthma

Improving the diagnosis and management of pediatric asthma is necessary. Breath analysis can help by assessing altered metabolism and disease-associated processes in a non-invasive manner. This study aimed to identify exhaled metabolic signatures using SUPER SESI - HRMS that can distinguish children with allergic asthma from healthy controls.

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super-SESI Guest User super-SESI Guest User

Monitoring kinetics of tobacco metabolites by breath analysis

This application note highlights the potential of breath analysis in providing valuable insights into the exposure of lungs and the absorption of molecules directly into the bloodstream. The SUPER SESI - QExactive HF -EXHALION system was utilized for breath sample analysis, which recorded a volunteer's breath for 20 minutes after smoking a cigarette. The study captured insights into the kinetics of tobacco metabolites. This approach underscores the capability of breath analysis to provide real-time and valuable data on substance metabolism and exposure. It showcases a significant step forward in non-invasive diagnostic methodologies.

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