A breath of information: the volatilome
M. Mansurova; Birgitta E. Ebert; Lars M. Blank & Alfredo J. Ibáñez
Here, we introduce the reader to these diverse applications associated with the monitoring and analysis of VOC emissions. We also present our vision of real-time VOC analysis enabled by newly developed analytical techniques, which will further broaden the use of VOCs in even wider applications.
An electrospray chemical ionization source for real-time measurement of atmospheric organic and inorganic vapors
Yue Zhao, Jeremy K. Chan, Felipe D. Lopez-Hilfiker, Megan A. McKeown, Emma L. D'Ambro, Jay G. Slowik, Jeffrey A. Riffell, and Joel A. Thornton
We present an electrospray ion source coupled to an orthogonal continuous-flow atmospheric pressure chemical ionization region…
Comprehensive Real-Time Analysis of the Yeast Volatilome
A. Tejero-Rioseras, D. Garcia-Gomez, B. E. Ebert, L. M. Blank, A. J. Ibanez and P. M-L Sinues
While yeast is one of the most studied organisms, its intricate biology remains to be fully mapped and understood. This is especially the case when it comes to capture rapid, in vivo fluctuations of metabolite levels. According to the authors, the results suggest that a large number of metabolites produced by yeast from glucose neither are reported in the literature nor are their biochemical origins deciphered.
Metabolic effects of inhaled salbutamol determined by exhaled breath analysis
M. T. Gaugg, A. Engler, Y. Nussbaumer-Ochsner, L. Bregy, A. S Stöberl, T. Gaisl, T. Bruderer, R. Zenobi, M. Kohler and P. M-L Sinues
The authors explore whether real-time breath research & analysis by SESI-HRMS is suitable to monitor changes at the metabolic level due to inhaling bronchodilator medication. The experimental results strengthen the notion that certain biochemical processes can be monitored.
Mass-spectrometric detection of omega-oxidation products of aliphatic fatty acids in exhaled breath
M. T. Gaugg, T. Bruderer, N. Nowak, L. Eiffert, P. M-L Sinues, M. Kohler, R. Zenobi
Omega-oxidation is a fatty acid degradation pathway that can occur alternatively to the dominant b-oxidation. The dysregulation of fatty acid oxidation has been related with a variety of diseases, termed fatty acid oxidation disorders. This work shows evidence for real-time detection in exhaled breath of the complete series of saturated linear w-hydroxyalkanoic acids, w-oxoalkanoic acids and alkanedioic acids with carbon chain lengths of 5-15.
Mass spectrometric techniques for the analysis of volatile organic compounds emitted from bacteria
I. A. Ratiu, T. Ligor, Victor B.-Bintintan, B. Buszewski
Bacteria are the main cause of many human diseases. Typical bacterial identification methods, for example culture-based, serological and genetic methods, are time-consuming, delaying the potential for an early and accurate diagnosis and the appropriate subsequent treatment.
Secondary electrospray ionization proceeds via gas-phase chemical ionization
A. T. Rioseras, M. T. Gaugg and P. M-L Sinues
Our main goal was to gain further insights into the mechanism by which gas-phase analytes are ionized by interaction with plumes of electrospray solvents. We exposed target vapors to electrosprays of either water or deuterated water and mass analyzed them …
Use of Mass Spectrometric Vapor Analysis To Improve Canine Explosive Detection Efficiency
Ta-Hsuan Ong*, Ted Mendum, Geoff Geurtsen, Jude Kelley, Alla Ostrinskaya, Roderick Kunz
Canines remain the gold standard for explosives detection in many situations, and there is an ongoing desire for them to perform at the highest level. This goal requires canine training to be approached similarly to scientific sensor design. A sensitive, real-time (∼1 s) vapor analysis mass spectrometer was developed to provide tools, techniques, and knowledge to better understand, train, and utilize canines.
Exhaled breath analysis by real-time Mass Spectrometry in patients with pulmonary fibrosis
P. M-L Sinues, Y. Nussbaumer Ochsner, M.T. Gaugg, L. Bregy, A. Engler, R. Zenobi, M. Kohler.
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is recognized as a distinct clinical disorder, however, the diagnosis method remains elusive. Metabolic profiling of biopsied tissue specimens has shown promise to gain insights into IPF pathogenesis. In view of this, the authors hypothesized that the analysis of exhaled metabolites may also provide further insights.
Targeted on-line breath analysis discriminates COPD patients vs. healthy controls and subjects suffering from asthma
Y. Nussbaumer-Ochsner, M.T. Gaugg, L. Bregy, A. Engler, S. A. Sophie, T. Gaisl, P. M-L Sinues, M. Kohler, R. Zenobi
Recently we found markers in exhaled breath discriminating patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) from healthy controls using real-time mass spectrometry. The aim of this study was to validate the previously found disease specific metabolic profile of COPD in an independent cohort of patients suffering from chronic obstructive lung disease …
SESI-MS feasibility study with infants and young children for early detection of cystic fibrosis inflammation and infection
T. Bruderer, A. Baghdasaryan, J. Wyler, M. Kohler, R. Zenobi, A. Möller
Early and often subclinical pulmonary infection and pronounced neutrophilic inflammation are major contributors to CF-related morbidity. There is a causal relationship between high airway neutrophil elastase activity and the development of bronchiectasis. Early detection of disease and disease-associated .
On-line breath analysis with secondary electrospray ionization discriminates between COPD patients with and without frequent exacerbations
M. T. Gaugg, Y. Nussbaumer-Ochsner, L. Bregy, A. Engler, N. Stebler, T. Bruderer, P. M-L Sinues, R. Zenobi, M. Kohler
The authors successfully identified metabolic patterns in exhaled breath, which discriminate COPD patients with and without frequent exacerbations. They propose that their findings correlate with the increased oxidative stress caused by elevated nitric oxide production in response to the pulmonary inflammation.
Identification of Relatively High Molecular Weight Compounds in Human Breath Using Secondary Nano Electrospray Ionization Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry
HUANG Lei, LI Xue, XU Meng, HUANG Zhengxu, ZHOU Zhen
Human breath contains thousands of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which would be potentially helpful for studying disease diagnosis and environmental exposure. However, owing to limitations in current analytical methods, only the compounds with molecular weights <300 have been widely reported in exhaled human breath.
二次纳流电喷雾电离耦合 超高分辨质谱检测人体呼出气中 相对高分子量化合物
黄 磊, 李 雪, 徐 萌, 黄正旭, 周 振
二次电喷雾电离源耦合超高分辨质谱(SESI⁃UHRMS)有望检出人体呼出气中分子量大于300 的相对 高分子量化合物, 这些化合物的发现将有助于更准确地理解呼出气中挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)的来源、产 生机制以及SESI 源电离机理, 更好地实现SESI⁃UHRMS 的转化应用. 本研究自组装nanoSESI 源(尚无商业产 品)耦合四极杆⁃静电场轨道阱质谱(最高质量分辨率1.2×10<sup>5</sup> ), 考察了该装置对健康人体呼出气中分子量 为300~500 化合物的检出情况. 结果表明, 所搭建的nanoSESI⁃UHRMS 装置检测人体呼出气的重现性好、灵 敏度高, 可检出数十种分子量为300~500 的化合物.
Rapid fingerprinting of grape volatile composition using SESI orbitrap MS: A preliminary study of grape ripening
R. R. Farrell, J. Fahrentrapp, D. Garcia Gomez, P. M-L Sinues, and R. Zenobi
Even though sugar and acidity measurements are the most common indices of grape maturity, it is well recognized that they provide only basic information related to wine quality. In this preliminary study te authors use SESI-MS to analyze VOCs directly from intact grapes without sample concentration.
Gauging circadian variation in ketamine metabolism by real-time breath analysis
P. M-L Sinues, M. Kohler, S. A. Brown, R. Zenobi and R. Dallmann
The time-of-day of drug application is an important factor in maximizing efficacy and minimizing toxicity. Real-time in vivo mass spectrometric breath analysis and research of mice was deployed to investigate time-of-day variation in ketamine metabolism. Different production rates of ketamine metabolites were found in opposite circadian phases.