Exhaled breath analysis in patients with potentially curative lung cancer undergoing surgery: a longitudinal study

Jonas Herth, Felix Schmidt, Sarah Basler, Noriane A Sievi and Malcolm Kohler


Exhaled breath analysis has emerged as a non-invasive and promising method for early detection of lung cancer, offering a novel approach for diagnosis through the identification of specific biomarkers present in a patient's breath. For this longitudinal study, 29 treatment-naive patients with lung cancer were evaluated before and after surgery. Secondary electrospray ionization high-resolution mass spectrometry was used for exhaled breath analysis. Volatile organic compounds with absolute log2 fold change ⩾1 and q-values ⩾ 0.71 were selected as potentially relevant. Exhaled breath analysis resulted in a total of 3482 features. 515 features showed a substantial difference before and after surgery. The small sample size generated a false positive rate of 0.71, therefore, around 154 of these 515 features were expected to be true changes. Biological identification of the features with the highest consistency (m/z −242.18428 and m/z −117.0539) revealed to potentially be 3-Oxotetradecanoic acid and Indole, respectively. Principal component analysis revealed a primary cluster of patients with a recurrent lung cancer, which remained undetected in the initial diagnostic and surgical procedures. The change of exhaled breath patterns after surgery in lung cancer emphasizes the potential for lung cancer screening and detection.

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Comparative analysis of feature annotation methods for SESI-HRMS in exhaled breath analysis


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